to understand that morality is a scientific field, that goodness is evil (here is a shorter text on the nonsense of religious "morality principles"), what are the origins of evil and how to cure them, (especially by focusing the concern on spreading virtue in the hearts of computers); to cleanse the soul of man from his really perverse thoughts (now only in French: Pensées perverses, someday maybe in English); rather than to make the traditional spiritual exercise of cleansing your soul from all what is good, what is sane, what is virtuous, what is natural, unavoidable or unsignificant, for the mere pleasure of feeling how strongly spiritual you are, exercising your holiness and spiritual " dedication to cleansing your soul" (for the general pleasure of being someone cleansing oneself but without caring which things really have good or bad effects on others, since this would be out of subject to how good or bad you can be in yourself);
To make no mistake on who are the worst baby killers
To not go pretend that one's way or belief would not be a "theory" or "system" as if such a claim could make any sense and be itself anything else than an absurd play of empty words, except of course if it means to acknowledge one's ignorance, and thus of course to shut up.
To correctly find and present the best proof of God's existence
to not spread false dreams about fate: to recognize the real existence of randomness in events, and therefore the real absurdity and absence of deep purpose of so many misfortunes, and the factual rigorous proof that there does not exist such a thing as a divine inspiration (i.e. an effective reception of wisdom or information from any clever benevolent spirit) on this planet (at least not in recent times)
To work to build a civilization, refraining from any utopianism but respecting the role of the invisible hand.
To not despise science and reason. Review of a book on scientism :"Monopolizing knowledge".
To recognize this way in which most animals can be superior to most humans
! Psychiatrists are completely mad Sick people suffering Psychiatropathy They see fools everywhere but heal few, massively destroy lives for industrial profit. Since they managed Nazi camps they did not change. Incredible ? What can stop them if you won't believe it ? |