The best proof of God's existence is by quantum physics

How strong it is : Richard Conn Henry, professor of physics, who was teaching quantum physics for many years, reports to have changed his mind by the mere force of teaching quantum physics, from atheism to "theism" (as he wrote, though I am not sure if this is word is more appropriate than Deism, as it did not lead him to any particular "revealed" religion such as Christianity), thus outside any influence of psychological pressure by Christians trying to propagate their faith, nor sophisticated logical fallacies provided by any apologetic work. See references on quantum consciousness including the list of relevant articles from him and others.

For details of how the argument exactly goes, see my clear and rigorous exposition of quantum physics and my detailed discussion of the interpretations of quantum physics: how to express the mind makes collapse interpretation (involving a concept of God continuously creating the universe) and why it is by far the most coherent and natural : what are the troubles with other interpretations, that some try to develop for the sole purpose of trying to keep materialistic worldviews at all costs. They could not formulate any reasonably coherent one yet, as, I would say, such a task is rather hopeless.

Who I am

See summary of my position (for those who missed the link from front page). In short: I don't belong to any religion (anymore, after a period of Evangelical Christian faith that turned out to be a disaster), I don't think that belief in God can "save" anyone. I am rationalist. Still I believe in afterlife (but not in any need to believe anything special to get prepared for it). So I don't care if anyone believes or not in God or afterlife, and I occasionally love reading some atheists writings, such as Greta Christina's "Atheists and anger" article and video.
So, my motivation to develop that understanding of God's existence, is just in the line of my general interest for mathematics and physics.

How bad are Christians at arguing for God's existence

Many Christian theologians developed lots of works to present the best proofs they could of God's existence. But how good are they ?
Ryan Bell, a former Adventist pastor who had growing doubts about what he was previously preaching, then spent a "Year Without God". In that year, he undertook to study all arguments he could from both sides (theist and atheist) and finally found the "proofs" of God and Christianity provided by Christian apologists to be lacking, (while, instead of accepting a debate and trying to feed him with better arguments, the most famous Christian "debater" just preferred to make fun of him) ; he is now a non-believer.
Looking for more meaningful references ? Here you go :

Conclusion : trying to prove God's existence, or reading things from people (such as Christian apologists) motivated by any bias (such as trying to "save" people) only leads to logical fallacies, and illusions of having arguments when there isn't any genuine one ; thus flawed ways of thinking. Clear genuine understanding of things and why God exists, much better comes from pure science, such as physics.

But why is it so ? It really looks like, Christians (apologists and "scientists") are quite bad at proper science and discernment of the genuine arguments...
And not even God, that they claim to personally know, could properly inspire them for this, or could He ?
This mystery can be explained in several ways:

Non-Christian explanations for the lack of divine inspirations for arguing on God's existence, in the line of the general evidence against divine revelation :
And an almost-Christian one (which Christians themselves would never explicitly tell of course, but I do it here for them):
Is there any other good proof of God's existence or anything close to it ? Well, there is something : Near Death Experiences support the existence of afterlife, and things also approaching the concept of divinity, though the relevance of the precise name "God" is not clear, and any relation to the specific teachings of any religion is not supported at all.

Criticism of particular arguments

The Argument from Design

Ontological arguments (ultimate cause, etc) : this rather expresses a lack of imagination. See some quotations from Richard Feynman
Several particular arguments were refuted by Winston Wu

See also

The debate on quantum idealism and science (science vs. pseudo-science)
A call to clarify the debate on the links between quantum physics and consciousness (to list the different possible interpretations)
Why is physicalism now a form of obscurantism in physics
The pseudo-science of "Scientific skepticism"
Some fqxi essays on the connections between maths and physics

Is there any mathematical proof of God's existence ?

Some would say yes : Godel's ontological proof, has been formalized. (see more comments)
However I do not agree as I see there too many arbitrary axioms and choices of definitions that can be criticized. Someone tried to simplify it. Seems it does not prove anything, it is rather based on a mess of confusions.

On the other hand I have arguments that God's existence is not mathematically provable, and that the mind is not algorithmic.

External links and references

Religion and Science article in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy reports some debates on the connections between quantum physics and the concept of God, which unfortunately did not reach any official consensus. I guess, one reason may be the usual insufficient grasp of the mathematical structure of quantum physics and other conceptual analysis by participants.
"Why I am not a Christian, essay by Bertrand Russell (one of the founders of set theory), dismissing some usual arguments for God's existence that were not logically well-founded.
Deism : a belief in God based on reason, without religious superstition.
The God Argument: The Case against Religion and for Humanism, 2013 book by English philosopher and humanist, A. C. Grayling ; other books recommanded by Ryan Bell
Proofs that God is imaginary
Hundreds of proofs of God's existence
Is "Existence" a proper qualification for God ? and other nonsense with the Christian theology
God can be found on Facebook
The Top One Reason Religion Is Harmful by Greta Christina

Among the first found google results on the topic

5 proofs
"Within time and space there is moral-evil, corruption, and decay. Since the Creator is outside of this He must be holy, immutable, and impeccable. This then excludes the concepts of "God" put forward by Islam and Mormonism. But it fits perfectly with the concept of God as portrayed in the Christian Bible."
As if there was any kind of perfection in the Christian God's characters

A short summary of arguments in a philosophy site

Christian Web sites : Existence of God - Proof that god exists

A sentence in a book : "holy people are considered by von Balthasar to be the best 'proof of God's revelation"

on Yahoo answers
on thoughtco

An apologetics page
a Christian site recognizes that most Christian arguments are flawed, but what he presents as the best argument instead, is no better
"The Existence of God – Logically Proven!"

20 arguments for God's existence. Here are my few comments:
4. The Argument from Degrees of Perfection
wrong, absurd. Not even the world of pure maths has any ultimate, perfect version (but only relative ones, or specific things such as the rules of proof in first-order logic) ; and the world of consciousness is similar
The ideas of 8 and 10 are actually close to (aspects of) considerations related with quantum physics:
8. The Argument from the World as an Interacting Whole
10. The Argument from Consciousness (that is the same idea as the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" and the inteligibility of the laws of physics, that was the topic of the fqxi essay contest on the connection between maths and physics)
11. The Argument from Truth
I disagree with "Truth properly resides in a mind". Mathematical truths properly exist in a computer as well, or as purely mathematical entities, independent of mind
16. The Argument from Desire
Big bullshit : both premises 1 and 2 are false, in good approximation.

18. "Therefore, there exists a "divine" reality which many people of different eras and of widely different cultures have experienced. "
Great, so, many people from different religious backgrounds met the same real God as well, and happily described Him in ways that flatly contradict each other. Then in the name of this, Christians (like many others) came and claimed in the name of the God they personally know, that only they have the truth from God while all people with different religious beliefs of course have it wrong and are going to hell as they rejected the real God.
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