If you freely choose to believe that God wants you to freely choose to believe that He sent His only Son on Earth to die on the Cross to redeem your sins and testify to the world His desperate need and desire that you freely choose to believe that whoever does not accept to believe this is destined for eternal hell, then whose choice or doctrine do you think is this: yours or God's ? If you claim that God really wants this, then what do you think this very claim is based on, except on your own arbitrary choice to believe so, motivated by your desire to please/obey God, and/or not go to Hell (as if anyone desired to displease to God and/or to go to Hell) ? Or might that be the mere coward expression of your own desire to flee the responsibility of your own errors despite the lack of any objective justification for this kind of escape ?
Isn't it a double standard of judgement or rules when morally comparing God's actions with ours: the discrepancy between the absolute passivity of God and his assumed power, supposedly "to be nice" and "to let us free" but in ways that produce so much suffering and alienation in reality; while humans have the duty to intervene for stopping horrors and injustice, or do they (indeed, Christians are often so passive and just blaming actors for acting) ?According to this article of a Christian news site, a pastor of a church in Lebanon reported: “...I heard people testify: ‘Thank God for the war in Syria; it brought us to Jesus.’”. Do you regard this as a wise view ?
Questions on prayer moved to a separate page.
Did you read about NDEs and the observation that most of it shows no difference that faith would make to what happens after life ? Do you reject such observations as misleading ?How can faith be best described, with respect to the following syllogism:
The truth of Christianity is not a logical necessity, or is it ? Such as, there
was a time before the time when Abraham is supposed to have lived, when all
that story supposed to happen after this did not happen yet; if Jesus sent us the
Holy Spirit after his resurrection, it means there was a time before where people
lived without any trace of that Holy Spirit. Also there is a logical possibility for God
to not intervene on Earth, thus letting all things happen as if there was no divine
intervention. Then which empirical data can make a clear difference ? How would a world where
Christianity would be wrong, but was still invented by mistake, differ from our
world ? Would such differences
in observations naturally stop people from believing this doctrine, and how ?
Based on which observations "should" people there stop believing a Christian-like
doctrine ? Is there any risk to fail to notice the problem and keep Christian faith by
mistake anyway ? Now in this world, can some people face themselves similar
observations to what should there lead them to the legitimate right and
necessity to reject Christian faith ? Have you never faced anybody (non-christian
or ex-christian) reporting witnessing life in that way where it would be actually
wrong to believe in Jesus, and how did you respond to such people ? Do you
still encourage them to keep their faith, or if they lost it, blame them for what you
assume to be some mistake they made (as I so regularly hear Christians wrongly
accuse me of mistake I actually never made) ? Now in the hypothetical world where
Christianity was actually wrong, would anything stop any convinced Christians
(not noticing the evidence of its falsity) from having the same dismissing attitude
towards the witnesses of its falsity, so as to keep faith thriving anyway ?
What about losing one's faith: was all the previous effort towards
God a pure waste ? Why invite people to convert if it can turn out
to be a devastating waste of time like this ?
What proportion of Christians in the world are wrong Christians ?
What is the difference between a true and a false Christians, and
why do diverse Christians have so many mutually
contradictory definitions for this ?
What's the point of converting and giving one's life to God if it
leaves so high risks to become a mere wrong Christian, with a
worthless faith ? How might it not deserve to be called the epitone
of extreme absolute dishonesty and perversity from the part of Christians
and/or from the part of their Jesus, to first promise in God's
name to those (like myself) coming to give Him their life with all
their heart that Jesus saved them absolutely for eternity with no
risk of failure on the basis of their faith and commitment to God,
but then after this when they have doubts, experience the failure
of faith in their life and deconvert, accuse them of going to hell
and that the Jesus promise of salvation has never been for them
because they never were true Christians in the first place - and
there is absolutely no way to explain to a Christian and make him
try to honestly listen for a minute (after I sacrificed my life
for their ideology) no matter the reality, that my past dedication
to Jesus was full and sincere ? How honest is the promise and
request of a God requesting people to give Him their life with all
promises of salvation and of finding Jesus in one's heart and true
happiness and so on, since there actually is no way, after years
of coming to do so with all one's heart, to avoid the risk of
being later crually stabbed in the back by such foolish
accusations of "having never been a true Christian" and thus
dimissed and insulted like an evil bastard and a whimsical enemy
of God who never seriously came to God, by the all the millions of
other Christians who fill this planet and who I once so much
respected and mistook as my brothers in the light of God, when it
turns out that this commitment and total dedication was a terrible
waste of my life and I dared to admit and try reporting it in the
open (as if I had not been aready enough devastated and victim of
extreme injustice and crualty from this Empire of Evil by the mere
fact of all these years of waste in tries to run after God, study
the Bible and see myself as sinner, humiliating my intelligence to
shut up and wait for God, and then humiliated and devastated again
by the discovery of having been so terribly mistaken by this so
terribly foolish ideology which hijacked and jailed my mind and
life in nonsense and destruction) ?
Do you consider yourself pretty much infallible in the reasonings from which you drew the conclusion that the Bible is from God (in the sense of, at least, a much more valuable reading than any other book), at least sufficiently infallible that it gives you a legitimate right to dismiss (refuse to care studying) any report of anyone coming to witness himself clear infallible evidence to the opposite conclusion (as I saw so many Christians reacting when I told them this report) ? For example, can the basis of your faith be expressed in the following terms : "I had a personally meeting with Jesus/God/whatever, this experience overwhelmed me with the clear evidence that this really was a clear contact with the Ultimate God with no possibility of mistake (such as a contact with a non-divine spirit which could lie or be mistaken), and from which I got a clear, explicit message of support to the truth of the Bible while I would have been equally ready to accept from God the opposite information" ? because while many Christian testimonies pointed to such a kind of "evidence" rather than anything of a more scientific style, I still do not remember one which was as clear as this in how serious and definite it claims the revelation to be. Or do you know any other Christian with a clear testimony of that kind ? But then what do you do with testimonies of that precise kind pointing to quite different conclusions such as this one ?
Which of the 3 members of the Trinity did you receive in your life and do you have a personal relationship with ?Why is it that White Evangelical Christians largely voted Trump, while Evangelicals of color largely voted Clinton ? Would White Evangelicals and Evangelicals of color not have the same morality standards ? Are their concepts of right and wrong not grounded on the same God ? If the problem was that both candidates were equally bad, then how to explain that millions of Evangelical Christians, inspired by the same Holy Spirit, still all together didn't manage to find, select and promote a good candidate with chances to win US presidency ?
Should there be a minimum age to donate the tithe of one's income to the church ? If yes, how should this minimum be enforced ? If someone was Christian and donated to a church, but then deconverts, he surely now thinks of his donations, which he intended "for God", that he was actually swindled and that it isn't actually God's service which that church was doing and which his donations were used for. Shouldn't then the church give him back what he gave ? Why didn't churches ever care organizing things to ensure that ? And why not also pay him back for all the time he spent reading the Bible, praying and attending church services, bible studies and preachings, which turn out to have been a waste of time (a fact which Christians themselves strongly believe, by their way of then accusing him of being ignorant of their teaching every time he tries to raise an argument against them)?
If billions of people dedicated their life to having an intimate relationship with God (or at least hundreds of millions, if you prefer to excommuniate those with different ideas from yours), and this relationship made a fundamental difference on their life according to John's Gospel (chap. 14-16), how could it fail to produce overwhelming positive effects, forming solid proofs of this divine guidance ? (see also the above "evidence against theism"). Why is it that religions are better known to produce negative consequences (holy wars, conflicts with science, intolerance...), in such appearances that even God guiding His people cannot overturn ? Is there any conspiracy stronger than God here ? Are the benefits of obedience to God's will for oneself only, or for others too ? If for others too, then others should have noticed a difference, shouldn't they ? Why is it that this difference so often turns out to be negative (as described below) ?Why do a number of Christians with whom I try to debate now accuse me (wrongly) of hating Christianity as pure irrational feelings, not checking them rationally enough, while when I was among them, the people who evangelized me and tried to guide me in Christ, when they saw me having some troubles, insisted I was too intelligent and took things too much with the head and not enough with the heart ?
Why is it that, a number of times, Christians I met insisted on their deep faith that our meeting occurred not just at random but by God's will for a greater purpose, but then shortly after this they were always the ones running away and refusing any further discussion as they discover that my convictions have stronger grounds than theirs, so that concretely they are those both disbelieving and preventing the possibilitity for our meeting to bring any fruit, not I ? Do they think this is my fault if I keep strong convictions and do not just patiently listen to their teaching as if I did not already know so well what is wrong with it ? Do they really think I shoud have a choice here when from my viewpoint there is absolutely none ?Is God an utilitarist (measuring actions by their global
long-term consequences rather than their direct form) ? God is
often supposed to have greater plans than ours, so that, for
example, displeasing us in the short term by refusing to fulfill a
prayer is supposed to be justified by a greater plan for a greater
good in the long term. However I have yet to see God see any
further than His nose in a number of cases such as : daring to
momentarily disturb a policeman to reveal him information about a
criminal, leading to the small breach of freedom by the policeman
against the criminal in order to preserve the well-being of the
next possible victims of this criminal. As I guess there should
exist many Christian policemen, why did God never reveal them any
professional information during prayer ? Would it be a too selfish
advantage for the policeman to get ? But if God never cares to
correct/inform Christian policemen in such cases, why believe that
He ever enlightens anyone better in theological matters (as if God
had to care what we exactly believe), so why believe in any form
of divine confirmation of the truth of the Gospel in the life of
Christians ?
Why is God's field of competence/actions throughout His many interventions almost restricted to these 2 fields only : pure theology (evangelization, I'd say : pure bullshitology without any real object, indoctrination without any interest outside strict faith) and medicine, or is it ? Are these the 2 most important fields of concern in the world, determinants of all matters of good and evil, justice or misery ?
Why should we be amazed with God's healings, especially if we
have not an illness likely to be healed that way ? Why should a
healing be considered more amazing than God's silent help for not
having got ill or accidents in the first place ? If God gives
healing then who gave sickness at first ? Why didn't God design
life so as to make the human body less vulnerable to disease or
other troubles ?
If God sometimes guides someone to one's love, why did He never
guide anyone to inform someone else about where that latter person
will find love ? Is the God guiding someone ignorant of anyone
else's needs, tastes and existing matches but only knowing those
of the person He is guiding or what ?
Why is it a form of wisdom and spirituality from the part of a Christian to love an homosexual but hate his homosexuality, but a sin from the part of an atheist upset about religious behaviors, to love/excuse christians as people but blame their religion (Biblical doctrine), even though
Why do the Gospels claim that, when Jesus was talking in parables, there was supposedly a positive correlation
between Christian faith and the subtlety of the mind better able to grasp metaphors, i.e. the more subtle
minds would have better chances than others to understand His spiritual message and follow Him...
... in practice leading Christians (I particularly remember one very scholar in Aquinas and other
catholic literature and philosophy, but such attitudes may be widespread) to very stupidly and automatically pretend
to explain the disagreement between us (any kind of disagreement, really) by that I would fail to
"see things spiritually", but such dismissal of my view coming in a completely senseless,
out-of-context manner while he actually never started understanding what I was talking about...
... but while I concretely observed the exactly opposite correlation to be the case. Namely, I observed Christians
(and other religious people) to be much more often (than non-religious people) unable to grasp the sense of the
metaphor which I developed in this text, despite the care I took to choose a
metaphor which, as far as I could reasonably expect when I wrote it, could not fail being absolutely clear
to any reader. In particular, why did one Christian student I met, who was studying both mathematics and philosophy
(maybe graduate level, anyway beyond first year), who I invited to read this text, react to it by the following
question: «Why do you call these «sins» ?» obliging me to try developing some exegesis of what I meant by this text ?
Why did Christians (preachers and lots of others) keep accusing me of having "freely chosen" to reject Christianity as if I had another option, regardless my testimony, what I know of myself, that it never was the way my deconversion happened ?
Why did almost all Christians I read or heard insist at least at some point on the idea of "not
forcing" other people to believe, implicitly implying that this is a very crucial point of their personal
faith, somehow suggesting how crucially different (implictly: how nicer) it makes them from some
vague cloud of the fake rest of religious people, a vaguely invoked fake rest which even vaguely
sounds to include a majority of other Christians, while I never ever in my whole life of thousands
of observations saw any member of any religious movement whatsoever, make the opposite
claim, that is, that faith would eventually need to be forced on someone ? How is that "value" of
"not forcing" anything else than an excuse for that coward and dishonest behavior, that soldiers
compliance to that strategy of global war and conspiracy of a world domination of nonsense, lies
and obscurantism (active self-delusion followed by the active deception where oneself then
"honestly" feels the need to teach one's own self-deception onto others), consisting in "attacking
the weak" (ignorant people who are "open-minded", i.e. naive and intellectually defenseless against
apologetical bullshit and fallacies) while "fleeing the strong" (those seen as "closed-minded"
because they are "guilty of" having done their homework to get clear ideas of what they are talking
about, thus clear understanding of why Christianity is wrong) under the excuse that "anyone
must be let free of their own opinion" ? Where is the logic and honesty of claiming to know God,
to have things to teach in God's name and to be on the path of divine light and wisdom, by "witnessing"
that, "very honestly" from your part as far as you could hear of, things always happen in
some ways and never in opposite ways, when your real behavior is to systematically refuse to
learn any contrary available testimony and evidence that may be offered to you,
from precisely the sources which are logically the only sources where such existing contrary
evidence may be found, namely, refusing to learn anything from some sources for the very exact
reason that such evidence was found there : exactly from the people who report having found
such evidence because you want to "let them free of their opinion and request them to let you free
of your opinions as well in return", since you see no point to "waste your time" more than few minutes
for these people who you see as "closed-minded" as they are visibly not willing to shut up and
religiously keep listening and saying amen to your bullshit, regardless that they actually
can't "feel free" at all in these conditions, but rather deeply abused and betrayed,
because they have already wasted and spoiled their whole life by
having previously trusted and carefully followed teachings which were identical to yours ?
Well, I do admit sometimes hearing some people put forward the "power of God", insisting
that God comes as power instead of arguments. And I actually did feel a few times that
"divine power" as I mentioned there
(from "Radiating a powerful aura...").
By the way, how do you consider such a powerful face of God put forward by some ?
Otherwise, what is the meaning of "freedom" if one of the offered options leads to hell ?
How can that be a nice gift from God, and why do so many Christians
keep having such a "positive attitude" towards what they (falsely) regards as a mere matter
of personal choice just as free and futile as choosing the color of one's socks, that they find
it right and nice (and they will even require the same of their oppenents) to end all
discussion by this "just anyone's choice" attitude, while on the other hand they keep believing
that any alternatives to their way are leading to hell ? If I had a child, I would not regard
as a nice positive and responsible attitude to just let him freely go into a precipice
if he seemed to be heading there. Does it make any sense to say that someone freely
chooses an option that leads to hell : isn't it a trap against
him, and then can he really have freely chosen this ? Isn't such a
freedom a poisoned gift ? Why see any virtue in a God that offers
this ?
As the first of the following two questions from
Freedom to choose is given to man by God. Man has two main choices: 1) accept the Love of God and, upon death, go to paradise for eternity, 2) Refuse God and, upon death, just die, be utterly damned. How is that freedom of choice when it is the same thing as a gun to your head?
Jesus said rich men don't go to Heaven easily and even implied that it wasn't possible. Why are so many people with money and property Christian if they are probably going to Hell?
Why are Christians talking to me so regularly divinely confident
of having lots of things to teach me which they must put forward
(like spammers) and they assume I need to shut up and listen
patiently and carefully like it would be totally new things for me
I never heard, while the reality is that I already heard all these
things hundreds of times and already debunked in details in my
many web pages, by answers which these Christians are visibly
totally clueless about, but they visibly show no interest in ever
making an effort to study and learn my now overwhelming excellent
reasons (necessities) to see them as so hopelessly stupid,
ridiculous in their claims of divine wisdom, and totally ignorant
of the topics they claim to teach me about ?
Why is it that in face of Christians, especially "authoritative" ones
(I especially remember one time with a catholic priest), I find myself essentially
"obliged" by their attitude to get angry, to speak loudly, to refuse listening to them, to
forcefully interrupt them all the time and to force them to hear me for half an hour
(thus to behave against them in all the ways they believe to be the most evil kinds
of behavior on Earth, thus making me look like an evil bastard on the way)
as the only possible method they concretely left me for the mere sake of
explaining to them and getting them start grasping (instead of absurdly wasting the
time of both of us with their endless flow of nonsense) the simple fact that they should not
just quickly judge and dismiss all my research and testimony after just few minutes, while
I come to witness having very seriously examined things for years and found overwhelming
evidence disagreeing with Christianity (while they have no evidence on their side, be serious !!!).
That such a report and testimony of mine should be respected at least hypothetically, in the sense
that they have no logical right to confidently judge me as clearly an idiot and evil bastard and
to dismiss as empty and fake the logical value of all the research of my life (which they actually have no clue of),
for the mere crime of reporting my adventure and my confidence in the validity of my research,
just because the 5 minutes of attention they decided to give me to try to sum up the research of my life
did not suffice for me to debunk all the twisted brainwashing they went
through life long and let them understand everything and convince them of the validity of all my reasons,
(while Christians usually have infinite requirements on
their opponents for having any right to negatively judge and speak about Christianity : to spend
one's life reading the Bible multiple times, yes even while I did read the Bible and I report it, they still
have faith I did'nt, so they keep dismissing me by claiming I should first read the Bible, then
satisfy multiple further undefinable requirements, which it is always possible and
automatic to blame someone of not satisfying regardless the facts....).
As if the necessity of seriously studying an opposite view of
a new kind (that oneself is not yet familiar with yet) from a serious
intelligent person as prerequisite of judgement, or otherwise granting the
respect and benefit of doubt to the possible validity
someone's discoveries that took years of research and experience
from that person but that you did not give more than 5 minutes to examine yourself,
should not be an obvious necessity of moral and logical decency and basic human respect that everyone should
have learned in primary school so as to save from that petty but very exhausting educational
burden the honest and serious people (generally and in particular geniuses of science like me)
with whom it would be needed.
Why do they regularly
remain undisturbable in their confidence in knowing everything
better than I no matter we are going through the clear
demonstrable experience that I never committed any
significant mistake I would have to modify in my positions
and criticism of Christianity, while all their arguments,
positions and accusations (speculations or calomnies) that they
imagine my positions as based on this or that stupid mistakes, are
demonstrably wrong and they visibly have to modify them all the
time (replacing a false accusation once refuted by another false
continuously not yet refuted since their imagination of what
stupid mistake I might have committed is endless) ? Or why is it
that when they are losing their confidence in their own
infallibility to know everything better than I it is usually just
the chance for them, still without ever feeling disturbed, to jump
into another sort of pride : the pride of being superiorly humble
and recognizing one's fallibility (implying : it is my crime if I
do not recognize myself as making as many mistakes as they do) and
of not being the right person to talk with - so as to make me
guilty of not being talking to the experts instead, supposed to
have got all the answers I must have said amen to ? And why do
they then dare to confidently assume I failed to do it as I should
just based on the fact it did not lead me to the conclusions they
assume I must have reached then, no matter that I did actually
check the "arguments" of all the most famous experts I could and
found them equally hopelessly stupid, as their popularity as
"experts" is visibly based on the supidity of people who mistake
them as such since the public is totally unable to distinguish
whether the "arguments" from supposed "experts" make any sense
(have any rational strength) or not?
How honest is it to proclaim and spread testimonies that Jesus
changes lives for the better, trying to let people assume that
faith must be always good without risk to the contrary,
but without having even priorly started searching for information
on possible testimonies of people whose life has been harmed by
Christian faith in case they would be also very important (harm
either caused by having followed it oneself or by suffering the
consequences from the behavior of others who did: see links
"atheist and anger" and "psychological damages") ? How would you
know if they are not important or frequent if you didn't start
honestly searching for this information ? Why have I regularly
been kicked out from churches the few times I still dared entering
afer my deconversion and trying to share my testimony (of how
faith contributed to destroy my life and what I found wrong with
it after very careful examination), and carefully oriented to
exclusively speak to the pastor who turned out to be an expert in
the art of despising and refusing to listen and understand
anything of what I would have to say, to not let anyone else in
the church know anything of my testimony ? Why is it that the
main time I remember speaking with
an Evangelical Christian who did not despise me right from the
start but seemed sympathetic and ready for long peaceful
discussions, he promised to me that his church would be
sympathetic and welcoming as well (and did not feel concerned with
my reports of christian closed-mindedness), but then (as he was a
barman and invited me to his bar), once I went to his bar, for a
moment he got out and left me discussing with the pastor of his
church (in presence of some young people from there), who then
kicked me out of that bar 5 minutes later regarding me as an evil
bastard (while the reality is that I am victim of Christianity
which I tried to trust and follow too seriously) and making the
young people of that church see me as such too, just because I
disagreed with the relevance of the assumed logical character of
his little favorite "reasoning" which was the exclusive thing he
can ever accept to "discuss" (and only by strictly following it),
and he regarded me as an idiot and impostor when I reported being
an expert in logic, since he
decided what logic must dictate (no matter that he is himself only
pastor with no special competence in logic and math himself) ?
Why does the majority of Christians in the US finds it good in the
name of "Christian morality", to support a Republican party which
is climate change denialist, therefore one of the strongest
forces of destruction of the ecosystem of our planet, further
impoverishing many of the already poorest countries, and with serious
consequences on biodiversity for the next millions of years ?
Question for Christians who now deny the emergency regarding climate change:
in case after 100 years from now it turns out that climate change is a disaster,
so that the overwhelming consensus of Christians (as a defense of Christianity
against any evil made in its name) will hold that today's Christians
who denied this emergency were not true Christians, but only greedy people
motivated in their denialism by the selfish interest of wasting the planet's
resources, and not excusable since the overwhelming scientific evidence
was actually already here and one had to be a really terrible moron to not see it,
then will you see it right to go to hell as a false Christian for this reason ? And,
in case the correct understanding of climate issues was not supposed to be a required
qualification for "how to be a true Christian" in spite of the high stakes for the
future of life on this planet, then, how to justify that churches are more likely to put
the title of "mission for God" to the study of theology, how to be a "true Christians"
and make as many other "true Christians" as possible, over the study of climate sciences
which could help someone cast the right vote during presidential elections about it ?
Why did Christians never do, afaik, any sort of campaign to slow
down the overpopulation
of the planet, which is another of its main factors of destruction
? Is this not of any concerns in God's higher plans above the most
common little concerns of stupid short-sighted whimsical humans ?
And why did I instead once hear a Christian put forward, as
something wonderful and that absolutely deserves worship, a report
that God fulfilled prayers to give pregnancy to a couple that
seemed sterile ?
Why did Christian churches neglect the campain against psychiatry, leaving Scientology take the forefront of that fight ?
What does it mean to say that salvation is a "free gift from God" (since "the price was paid by Jesus") when the effective fact is that anyone receiving it more or less necessarily happens to feel obliged to dedicate many hundreds of hours to things such as studying the Bible, praying, donating money to churches, conditioning one's mind to think in conformity to the teachings, and trying to evangelize others ? Are these things not a sort of real cost attached to this "free gift" ?
Why is it that, still now in 2016, for example as appears in
http://christiananswers.net/ coming as 2nd google result on "hard
questions to christians", Christians so often find as a good means
to defend their ideology, to keep putting forward arguments trying
to convince people into such an intersideral
nonsense, such a fuckingly absurd, insane and absolutely,
ridiculously indefensible view as the one that the Earth is
actually flat young, that the Universe was
created long after the light we get from the Omega Centauri
cluster was actually emitted, and that all the overwhelming
scientific evidence of its old age can be safely dismissed ? Are
they promising that anyone coming to God with a sincere heart will
receive from Him the grace of getting his mind so absolutely
fucked up and brainwashed to mental death, to the point of denying
all the most overwhelming evidence of reality so that he would
even reject the now so clear fact of the age of the Earth ? With such a display of infinite ignorance, here
(beginning) is what young earth creationists look like. (And no I have no time to waste
proving the obvious about the age of the Earth because everyone is responsible to
undertake or not their own scientific education ; I am not responsible
if someone did not want to undertake it). If Jesus has any power on this planet,
why doesn't he have the decency of coming to exterminate in
lightnings or the like, all the fucking soldiers of intersideral
nonsense who, no matter how sincere, actually found nothing better
as the "sense of their life" than spending it to fuck up the world
in His name, by their defense of the indefensible, with
the effect of either turning the minds of people into such an
infinite nonsense, or totally decredibilizing the Gospel in the
eyes of the minority of sanely thinking people by associating it
with such ?
Would it be right to excuse this insanity proclaimed in the name of God (either
excuse these people or Christianity or God for letting things go on this way) because humans are
fallible even in their tries to evangelize people ? In this case, when could
Christians ever stop demonstrating the real
equivalence, in their ideology, between justifying obvious insane
nonsense as being God's wisdom above all intelligence so that
humans cannot judge it, and justifying the same obvious insane
nonsense as being caused by the natural mistakes of fallible
humans that we should not judge because it is normal and right for
humans to make mistakes and Jesus came to die for the forgiveness
of all this, so that the only wrong thing would be to not
understand and forgive ?
Among these 3 horrors/evils
Why is it that, while you proudly see it right if God cannot forgive anyone against his will so that whoever did not repent should obviously go to hell, you still pretend to see something wrong with me when I cannot calm down as you commit the double fault of awfully misjudging me whenever I try to report to you some hints of my testimony of my life and deconversion, and of still trying to harass me with your fucking religion and pressure me to re-convert, while you never started to apologize, neither for your evangelical harrassment and these awful misjudgements you cast to me, nor for all the huge damage which your fucking religion already caused to me from the beginning of time as I gave my life to it in the past; nor for your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the nevertheless objectively clear fact that this Christianity which harmed my life is the same which you follow and keep throwing into the face of people (therefore putting their life at risk of the same damage), nor for this particular case of misjudgment by which you accuse me of "confusing" both "versions" of Christianity which you so stupidly assume to be completely different while having actually zero clue of what I mean, and as if I ever was the kind of person who could ever have dared proclaiming such a "confusion" unless these "versions" where really identical and I really had overwhelming evidence of that fact.
Question to those Christians who are "non-formalists" in the sense that their concept of "true Christian" differs so widely from "formal" Christianity (believing in Jesus) that they insist not only that there are many false Christians in churches, but also that Jesus saved many people of other religions or atheists who formally reject Christianity, supposedly that it is "not their fault": if it happened that pissing on the Bible turned out to be the best method to be a "true Christian" in the heart in this sense, then what is the Bible actually for ?"you'll see just how much He does care for the earth and its
people." is followed a bit later by "God usually seems to
only permit true miracles when doing so is needed to bring
people to faith" which proves that God actually does not
care to really make anything objectively good in real life, he is
only interested to make the little low pseudo-good which can be
best used as a trick which is absolutely not aimed at making this
life more decent but only focused on a completely different
purpose: brainwashing, mental hijacking, zombifying people's minds
into that fucking ideology which is fancifully supposed to "save
their souls" but actually the only objectively real result is that
it is fucking up all decency and meaningfulness of life on this
planet. In the same line, see also another question, and also the
only answer I got in my questions on the Fatima miracle;
see also Greta Christina's "top
one reason religion is harmful"
"Recall the Israelites as they wandered for 40 years." you
never informed yourself on the
scientific evidence that this is a mere tale did you ?
"After the flood the earth was one land mass, basically
Pangaea" The fact is that the myth of the flood originates
from around 2,000 BC. If ever such a story could be
inspired from real events, the oldest imaginable source could be
around 15,000 years ago, something like when, due to the end of
the last glacial period, the melting of ice resulted in a rise of
sea level which submerged some former areas of land and
transformed them into seas. Pangea, on the other hand, started
breaking apart some 175 million years ago,
that is in the youth of the age of dinosaurs long before our last
common ancestors with marsupials
"It also doesn't help that satan is more or less in charge of
the world": I doubt Satan is in charge of the world since
most things pretty well seem to conform to what is expectable as
consequence of the raw laws of chance in the context of a world
peopled by stupid humans developing their thought by themselves as
we observe them. However, insofar as Satan might be in charge of
something, it looks pretty much like he was more precisely in
charge of designing the Bible, considering how fucked up are the
consequences of humans dedicating themselves to trusting and
following that stuff... why not ? why would christians be less
vulnerable targets of diabolic nonsense than the rest of the
world, since they are not even claiming to be more clever or
serious than others ? Indeed Christianity (and Islam) was one of
the main force which slowed down the progress of science which
turned out to alleviate part of this suffering. If that does not
indicate its diabolic origin, I cannot see what else might.
"God is interested in how we act and what we believe in while
we are in this physical world. He is pleased by faith"...and
so on, this is nothing more than what you have been brainwashed to
assume to be God's whimsical preferences; and what is arbitrarily
assumed to be God's whims then serves as a definition for
morality. This is totally arbitrary axioms with no kind of
actually meaningful considerations on how life actually goes, what
"true fairness" should mean, what it should actually mean for a
God to be "good" and "fair". This way in which many such axioms
are passively and automatically swallowed by this horde of
mindless zombies with their carefully flat electroencephalogram is
anyway the needed condition for Christianity to reach a minumum of
coherence and consensus between its members, giving the illusion
of a common God source of all their ideas...
answers to "...he would be described as a tyrant" are just bullshit fallacies which Christians have been brainwashed into repeating while it makes no sense and is a ridiculously, diabolically false description of how things actually go in the life non-Christians and ex-Christians (as if they rebelled against God, which they don't or if they do they can have legitimate reasons to rebel against that evil tyrant which Christians worship as their God, as this picture of God actually turns out evil when combining Christian claims with some people's real experience). However there is indeed no way to explain this to a Christian since they never went themselves through this experience; if they did, they would not swallow that nonsense any longer. See my above description of how things are really going. " If you are a parent": as Christians remain such because they are lucky and they think their luck is a necessary gift from God, they are clueless about how evil a "parent" their God actually is in the life of some less lucky people.
"Our worship of God also includes a relationship" : wrong.
The evidence that nobody on Earth got any information from any
decent God is overwhelming, since otherwise consequences would be
very different. Christians are only in "relationship" with their
own faith.
"God is being "paid" only once for our sins... Or we
can choose to accept Jesus' payment for our sins." that does
not make any sense : whether Jesus paid for a particular person
cannot be modified retroactively since it is supposed to have been
done 2000 years ago
"the problem comes when we reject God's payment of sin and insist to pay it ourselves" : mentioning this as if any decent God should have the perversity of focusing on this issue as if it could be decently paid attention to in guise of main issue in matters of morality, and more precisely, as if this totally arbitrary criterion coming from nowhere, that assumed little perverse obsession of that little God, of precisely expecting from all people that very strange and peculiar attitude of "accepting the price to be paid by someone else" ignoring any other consideration, as the condition for salvation, is an evil nonsense. See my comment there. Ifever a God is perverse enough to stick to such absurd criteria in judging people and sending them either to heaven or hell then anyway for moral reasons I refuse to be corrupted into following the stated condition to go to heaven, I will have the courage to go to hell instead and I will still dare to have faith that this can only be a small evil God, not the real God, and that a really worthy God must exist beyond him to send that little god himself to hell and finally restore a decent and completely decent justice afterwards.
"God allows us the choice to pay our own way, which is an
eternity in torment in Hell" Bullshit. An honest gift of
freedom requires to state the full conditions (consequences) of
the choice and to make these conditions credible. But the
biblical doctrine is not credible at all, especially the claim
that the price of our faults would be an eternity of torment in
hell, is obviously ridiculous bullshit invented by insane people
to threaten the people and oblige them to keep faith disregarding
the evidence, therefore explaining how such an insanity could be
spread and have won the world while ignoring all evidence against
it (such as the evidence from NDE that many people can find bliss
in the afterlife independenly of their creeds), thus making is
success no sign of credibility at all. No sane God can trap people
and punish them of an eternity of hell just for not believing that
obvious bullshit. No fault can meaningfully deserve an eternity of
torment without good reasons,
such as that it first concretely created an infinity of damage,
which is usually not the case. But if there are good reasons to
deserve an eternity of torment then there logically cannot be also
any good reason for anyone to care offering a way out.
"In the past, when people have seen been close to God in a
fallen state, they couldn't handle it. The Israelites had just
this opportunity..." this is bullshit tales. If a true God
ever contacted us like a really decent God, it would look
extremely different, resulting in very different human
reactions, than what is dreamed of in the bullshit tales usually
inspired by the christian ideology.
"because many Christians are probably luke-warm in their faith
walk, and not committed to God. Churchianity, anyone? " The
gift of the holy spirit and divine guidance is supposed to be free
and for all people, who (no matter that it is supposed to be
free), are actually committing a lot of energy into that stuff.
Still they are regularly accused of not being committed enough, so
that all the commitment that is actually made is often, like here,
regarded from a Christian viewpoint as being globally about 0% of
what is actually needed. I think, a God who makes such violent
accusations of fakeness to people who give a lot of energy for Him
after they tried to trust His wonderful promises, is quite a evil
swindler, isn't He ? If an ideology does not work when applied to
real people, is it the fault of the people who are not fit for the
ideology, or the fault of the ideology which is not well designed
to actually work on real people ? God supposedly had all the power
to inspire a book as He thought would work best when people
sincerely care to read and apply it. If it does not work, that's
His fault, not the fault of the people reading and following it.
But if it is not supposed to work, maybe because nothing would
work on real people anyway, then God should have warned about it
right from the start to not make us waste our energy for nothing.
By the way, every Christian usually assumes to be himself an
exception to the overall fakeness in the large mass of the rest of
Christians. Maybe because he is more humble than them...
I stop here. I am fed up with such stupidity.
"I'm right with the atheists in that most Christians are pretty
stupid. " Well that seems to be one of the most widespread
consensus among Christians... as soon as it is about the rest of
Christians except oneself (plus so many sheep who insist on their own stupidity
and that I'm absolutely insane to try talking to them, my guilt is to not be going to exclusively talk
to the shepherd instead who must surely have all the answers -
regardless that I already talked to the shepherds and found them stupid as well).
Beware the risk being yourself in that majority.
"Why won't God heal amputees?" - "Who's to say healing
them is the right thing?" well if only the question was why
does not God heal all amputees, we might indeed wonder if it might
be the right thing to not be healed for the case of those not
healed, though in that case the lack of falsifiability in such a
claim, as long as no observable correlate could be found with an
explainable relation between this observable correlate and the
idea of "staying amputed being a good thing" would render it
useless and worthy of the greatest doubts like any unfalsifiable
claim. However we are not in this case since we are speaking about
why none of amputees is ever healed, which is a condition with rather
well-identified material causes. Therefore such an explanation may easily
be challenged, for example, by the following thought experiment.
Imagine I suddenly decide to amputate you, for example if I was an
agent operating in some extreme islamic ruled part of the world
and you were arrested for some "crime" for this law for which a
decision of amputation would apply. Once I amputate you, the
chances are that God won't heal you of this, since He never does
it in such cases. Then does my action of amputating you, suddenly
automatically results in making it a good thing for you to stay
amputated all your life, for the reasons you have just proudly put
forward ? In such conditions, the very idea of difference between
right and wrong becomes empty doesn't it ? Or, if you seriously
believe that amputating someone really makes it a good thing for
him to stay amputed all his life, why didn't you put
this good news into practice by amputating yourself already ?
"Because most religious people do what they're told." but
how can they do otherwise in lack of a verifiable source of
information on what God really says/wants ? And if, despite all
their very devote and committed prayers for God to guide them and
reveal His correct truth to them, God refuses to cure them from
the illness of not having grasped the correct meaning of His
message by providing a clear revelation of the correct info
instead, may it be because the domination of these wrong
ideologies are actually part of a great divine plan ? Who's to say
that correcting them would be the right thing ? By the way, see
full of bullshit
"how can you explain the faithfulness of the disciples to the
testimony of the resurrection even in the face of their own
There is no evidence for the real existence of the "disciples",
and if ever some were real the precise content of their reports
and feelings. The gospels seem to have been fancifully written
long after the "disciples" died, and were only fancifully
attributed to imaginary disciples.
"They died as martyrs" Today, many people "die as martyrs"
as well, still this is no evidence they are right.
"why did 500 people say they saw Him alive" one person
wrote a text claiming the existence of such 500 people, but this
is no evidence for the existence of these 500 people. Nothing is
there to ensure that the circumstances of this writing and
reproducing of this text happened in conditions that would ensure
its destruction in case it was a mere fancy or a lie. It was made
in ancient times, copying was a difficult task, and the means to
investigate on such issues were even harder. It could have started
to be famous and begging for verification only long after the time
such people were supposed to be living, which made any checking
"how can you explain the inability of the first century
skeptics to deal with the resurrection with an alternative
explanation? All the power of Rome and of the religious
establishment in Jerusalem was geared to stop the Christian
faith. All they had to do was to dig up the grave and to present
the corpse. They didn't." that is lots of assumptions on the
possible circumstances of the stuff. There is no reason to assume
that at that time, the question of how to stop the Christian faith
was formulated in such terms. If the Jesus story was all made up,
there was no grave to dig in the first place to try proving
anything. And proofs don't matter for Christians anyway. No matter
the proof, the main Christian answer at these times was to
exterminate all people with a different opinion.
"his closest friends were an extraordinary compulsive group of
liars." No, they did not think they were lying, they were
only writing tales which they found inspiring in order to convey a
spiritual message, while the material details of what could really
happen did not matter in their sense.
"these are some of
the principal ones that could become intellectual roadblocks
to those who are truly seeking to know the truth about God"
"All other religions
are diametrically opposed to Christianity on the most crucial
question: "Who is Jesus Christ?""
Every religion can have its own "most crucial question" on which
it can be opposed to all others. There is no objective reason to
see this particular question as the most crucial, especially as
it rather seems to be a question on a mere fictional character,
and even if there was a particular real person the stories were
inspired from, he couldn't even have been called "Jesus Christ"
in his lifetime anyway, especially as the word "Christ" comes from the Greek,
which does not seem to have been the language spoken at that time and place.
What if the most crucial question was
"Who is Superman" ?