Psychological pressure to believe

Now, if the notion of "forcing people to believe" would hardly make any sense to be taken literally (because "force" and "belief" do not refer to the same type of reality, and work quite differently), let us explain how it may still somehow occur, how we might say that some people do have a behavior of "forcing" others to join their belief - even if they forcefully and sincerely reject this accusation of trying to force people to agree with them, as this is not their conscious will (but only, perhaps, some collateral damage produced by the holiness of their attitude where they are so highly into, far above human senses, that it becomes disconnected from the concrete reality of their behavior).

Some of these means may be called "psychological pressure"
Example: to persuade people that the Earth is flat, or at least demonize the claim that it is ball-like, you just need to consider that the claim of the ball-like shape of the Earth, is an act of hatred and persecution against the Flat Earth Society, its members, their freedom of consciousness, and also against God who had the goodness to come to Earth and die on the cross to reveal us His word which describes the Earth as flat.
Indeed, according to Wikipedia,
"After Rowbotham's death, Lady Elizabeth Blount created the Universal Zetetic Society in 1893 in England and created a journal called Earth not a Globe Review, which sold for twopence, as well as one called Earth which only lasted from 1901 to 1904. She held that the Bible was the unquestionable authority on the natural world and argued that one could not be a Christian and believe the Earth to be a globe."

About the burden of search: active atheists are usually more knowledgeable about religions, than religious people themselves. Either because this knowledge led them to deconversion after they were Christians, or because the arguments by believers that have excessive study requirements on the other part, led them to do this study, in order to provide replies.

As remarked there:
"I'm angry that I have to know more about their fucking religion than the believers do.
...when believers treat any criticism of their religion -- i.e., pointing out that their religion is a hypothesis about the world and a philosophy of it, and asking it to stand up on its own in the marketplace of ideas -- as insulting and intolerant.
...when Christians in the United States -- members of the single most powerful and influential religious group in the country, in the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world -- act like beleaguered victims, martyrs being thrown to the lions all over again, whenever anyone criticizes them or they don't get their way.

So, the problem that they don't understand, is, if they want their position to be respected, it's up to them to opt for a position that deserves respect; it's not the fault of others if they criticize and even condemn a position that is not defensible (because it is blind and disrespectful against more knowledgeable people). The problem is, the question of which position is defensible and deserves respect, can be very hard to discern: anyone having any position thinks that this position is true and thus deserves respect...

Let me mention an experience trying to with a Christian in a team trying to evangelize people in the streets (he was probably evangelical, but I had a similar experience with a Mormon).
He said something like: it is pointless to try arguing because the depth of the issue is not a matter of argument, but a matter of God's power coming to your life (and of course, as usual, stupidly repeating the old empty buzzword that "Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God"). So, yes, this is power that he's talking about.

Now, is this power real, what does it make ?
In the experience of trying to talk with this guy, I must admit there really is some overwhelming power in his life, and a power that he is bringing to his conversation.
Here is how this overwhelming power feels:
In conversations, like a bulldozer, he smashes all possible chances of meaningful dialogue and mutual understanding, under the blinding radiations of his divine serenity. This powerfully makes things feel in some way, as if they were completely different from whatever they are in reality - not letting any sufficient room (time, attention) for the other one to explain himself.
This force of blindness and distortion of feelings, has the power to make conversations go completely crazy. This does not leave any decent chance to behave sanely, rationally and humanly when dialectically interacting with such a natural disaster.
Even though this person is totally sincere, this behavior acts as a provocation. This makes the other part go mad and angry at trying to deal with this natural disaster, and makes it feel as if it was their fault (bad character, "lack of spirituality"...), as if the true origin of the clash was not the provocation by this powerfully unshakable "divine serenity" that does not let any room for meaningful debates and human understanding.

If Christians wanted to behave decently as concerns the search for truth (I mean, to be really, methodologically decent, not just to fool themselves into feeling that they are behaving decently just because they have a feeling of honesty in their heart, as they usually do), they would no more go and bother people with their divine serenity and other such provocative personal pressures on people to convert. Instead, they would go and examine the deep logic and structure of the arguments (now rather by Internet, where there could be more decent room for such careful study and meaningful debates between opposite sides, if only it was better worked on...).

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